Speak With an Attorney from Keller, Barrett & Higgins Today.

At Keller, Barrett & Higgins, we are passionate about helping our clients protect their interests when going through a divorce. We are committed to making the process as efficient and pain-free as possible. To get the process started or find out more about what we can do to help, call us at 1(513) 351-6058

6900 Miami Avenue,
Madeira, Ohio 45243
Office Hours:
Our law firm operates during the following office hours:
Monday to Friday
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
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Our law firm is located in the first level of the Hampton Square building (corner of Camargo Road and Miami Avenue) in  downtown Madeira. Our entrance is on Miami Avenue next to Purpose Pilates across from Walgreens. There is ample parking in Madeira: a lot on Camargo, street parking, and many other lots near Kroger.

street view map of the entrance to KBH